This page is intended to present a list of the numerous hiking clubs that exist in the San Francisco Bay Area. More will be added as I become aware of them. Most clubs have established their own web pages, and for these a link is provided. Where no link exists, drop me an e-mail for more information. If you have any information you think should be added to this page, please contact me at my email address below. Site Owner: Vern Buck.
Here is my email address. (You will have to manually enter it into your email system. Include my name in the message body. Curse the spammers.)
Hiking Clubs in the San Francisco Bay Area
Bay Area Jewish Singles Hiking Club
'We plan a variety of interesting events for enjoying the outdoors throughout the Bay Area and meeting people in a relaxed, informal way. Our participants are single Jews from around the Bay. We usually schedule at least one activity each weekend - day hikes, city hikes, potlucks as well as special weekends.'
Bay Area Orienteering Club
'In orienteering, 'the thinking sport,' you use a map and compass to navigate a course through unfamiliar terrain. It can be enjoyed as a walk in the woods or as a cross-country competition.'
BayAreaHiking (Email list group)
'A forum for discussing hiking and backpacking in and near the San Francisco Bay Area. Discussion of points farther afield (for example, the Sierra or North Coast) is also welcome. This is also a forum for finding hiking partners and setting up group hikes.'
Berkeley Path Wanderers
'Dedicated to the presevation and restoration of public paths, steps, and walkways in Berkeley for the use and enjoyment of all.'
CAL Hiking And Outdoor Society
'CHAOS is a group of UCB students, staff, Berkeley area residents and assorted other friendly souls who meet regularly to experience the outdoors, have fun and eat chocolate.'
California Alpine Club
'The purpose of this Club is: To explore, enjoy and protect the natural resources or our land, including wildlife, forests and plants, water and scenic values; to support and promote educational programs on these and related topics; and at all times to protect and, as far as we are able, to improve the environment in which we live.'
"Hikes are every Sunday throughout the Bay Area, generally 5-8 miles. Most are moderate, some are easy. Visitors are always welcome. Send for a free schedule."
'We're an informal group of outdoor enthusiasts based in the greater San Francisco Bay Area, who get together to organize and enjoy outdoor activities of all kinds. Expertise is not needed, only enthusiasm and good will.'
Contra Costa Hills Club
'Plant a seed. Grow a tree. Conservation-Companionship-Hiking'
Dave and Bill Hikes [in Sonoma County]
'In December 2005 we became volunteer hike leaders for the Sonoma County Regional Parks. We strive to acquaint hikers with the natural beauty and resources of the more than 15,000 acres in our county parks and three local state parks, and attempt to interpret their important historical and cultural significance.'
Dublin Trail Trekkers (aka Tri-Valley Trail Trekkers)
'Get some exercise while enjoying nature and the beautiful outdoors! Make new friends! Join the Dublin Trail Trekkers as they explore the many wonderful parks and trails in the community and the surrounding area.'
East Bay Barefoot Hikers
'Enjoy walking barefoot? So do we!! The East Bay Barefoot Hikers take to the trails every 2 to 3 weeks, year-round. It’s fun, it’s healthy and it’s FREE.'
East Bay Casual Hiking Group
'Our hikes generally range from 3-9 miles in length, or 2 - 4 hours in length...There is no fee to join our group. We hike on public trails around the Contra Costa area, so membership is FREE!'
El Cerrito Trail Trekkers
'Welcome to ECTrailTrekkers - the home for paths, trails and walks in El Cerrito, California.'
'We are a loose group of a dozen or two people whose only connection is that they usually find out about the group by being a friend of Michael or Kathy Wimble.'
Hayward Hiking Club
'The Hayward Hiking Club invites you to try a hike with us. Have fun, get plenty of exercise, make friends, and experience nature all in one activity. Our hikes are scheduled every Saturday and range from easy to strenuous.'
'We are a non-profit group of single friends, dedicated to sharing the enjoyment of activities, such as biking, hiking, skiing, jogging, dining and camping, in a supportive, non-threatening atmosphere.' (Social networking site)
'Meet other local hiking enthusiasts. All those who are dedicated to hiking excursions near and far, with a focus on leaving no trace of litter on our lands!'
Intrepid Northern California Hikers (INCH)
'Some people hike to enjoy the beauty of nature ... some people hike to achieve inner serenity ... some people hike for the physical and mental challenge ... we hike because we love to suffer!'
Lafayette Hiking Club [No web page available.]
'The Lafayette Parks and Recreation Commission schedules hikes on the average of two hikes a month as a service to the community. No fee or advance registration is required except where noted.'
Hiking Club
"City of Oakland, Life Enrichment Agency Office of Parks and Recreation. Hikes are open to everyone. To attend, be at the Montclair Rec. Center on Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. sharp (unless noted) to make up car pools."
North Bay Christian Hikers
"This group is open to Christian and non-Christians alike. Our hikes are rated from easy to difficult....Our hikes and activities are usually in the northern San Francisco bay area and are alcohol-free. Please join us."
North Bay Hikes
"We're Santa Rosa-based, most outings are in Sonoma, Marin, and Napa counties. Mostly hiking, some paddling, camping, biking etc. See pictures and a list of past outings on our website. Click "Join" to sign up for email invitations to our outings."
Orinda Hiking Club
"The Orinda Hiking Club has weekend hikes, Wednesday hikes, and evening strolls."
San Francisco Hiking Club
"The San Francisco Hiking Club organizes hikes and similar outings for gays, lesbians, and friends. An event is generally planned on either Saturday or Sunday each weekend."
Society of Outdoor Cardinals (formerly Stanford Outing Club)
"Our most common activity is hiking (day trips) at one of the Bay Area's many parks, such as Pt. Reyes, Big Basin, Mt. Tamalpais, or Pinnacles, to name a few. Our activities are open for everyone (i.e. also for people not affiliated with Stanford University)."
South Bay Ramblers
"A new group is forming in the South Bay with the goal of gathering people together to have fun, while getting plenty of exercise and making new friends. Our walks will cover six to eight miles and be fairly strenuous."
Tuesday Tilden Walkers [No website]
"We're so slow, we don't even call ourselves a hiking club. But we've been enjoying walking in Tilden Park in Berkeley for almost 15 years. We vary our 1-2 mile walks in the Nature Area but usually include Jewel Lake, wildflowers, animal life and favorite trails. We're a few Seniors who meet in the parking lot of the Little Farm at 9:30 a.m. Call for more information: 510-524-9992 or 510-215-7672."
WAISTManagement (Email list group)
"You're welcome to join us. We're a group of "40 somethings" (I keep saying that but someday I may have to bump up the number :-). Young at heart, for sure. Mixed bag of fast/slow. We do a monthly hike."
Organizations that offer hikes in the Bay Area
"The Bay Area Ridge Trail Council offers a variety of activities, open to the public, along the Bay Area Ridge Trail."
"Bay Nature is the first magazine that explores the natural world of the Bay Area."
"Welcome to the Santa Clara Valley Chapter of the California Native Plant Society....Chapter field trips are free and open to the public. Field trips are oriented to conservation, protection and enjoyment of California native plants and wildlife."
"Promotes a continuous, border to border California Coastal Trail; Offers summer, week-long coastal walks and year-round day hikes; Builds public awareness through educational and service activities; Chapters exist in each of California's 15 coastal counties."
"The East Bay Regional Park District has hundreds of events scheduled all year long."
"Friends of Mt Tam is an all-volunteer organization whose purpose is to promote conservation and interpretation in Mount Tamalpais State Park. We lead hikes for the public every Saturday and Sunday, year-round."
"Protecting the Bay Area's open space and promoting livable communities since 1958."
"LandPaths' public outings visit open spaces, farms and parks-in-development throughout Sonoma County that have been protected by your Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation & Open Space District."
Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District
"The District's purpose is to acquire, permanently protect, and restore lands forming a regional open space greenbelt."
Mt. Diablo Interpretive
"Mount Diablo Interpretive Association is a non-profit volunteer organization which assists the California Department of Parks and Recreation in maintaining and interpreting Mt. Diablo State Park for its 700,000 visitors each year."
Muir Heritage Land Trust
"Mission Statement: To ensure a lasting quality of life for future generations by preserving and stewarding open space and fostering environmental awareness."
Napa County Land Trust
"Join us in exploring the land and wildlife on the properties we protect. Don’t forget to call early and sign up. Field trips and hikes fill up fast!"
Santa Clara County Open Space Authority
"Staff of the Open Space Authority and volunteers provide the general public with a variety of things to do. Hikes, rides and special events offer a chance to enjoy the Authority's trails and preserves and learn about the natural world in the company of others."
Santa Cruz Mountains Trail Association
"The Santa Cruz Mountains Trail Association is an outdoor trail activity organization that conducts hikes and builds and maintains trails in the Santa Cruz Mountains."
Sempervirens Fund
"As a special benefit to Sempervirens Fund members and guests, you are invited to join our hikes and tours. Our docents will lead you on adventures on a variety of trails throughout the Santa Cruz Mountains."
Sierra Club:
"Inspired by nature, we work together to protect our communities and the planet. The Club is America's oldest, largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization."
Mt. Diablo Regional Group (hikes are listed at Mt. Diablo Interpretive Association)
Solano Land Trust
"Since its founding in 1986, Solano Land Trust has permanently protected 19,403 acres of land for the current and future residents of Solano County."
Sonoma Land Trust
"Sonoma Land Trust conserves scenic, natural, agricultural and open land for the future of Sonoma County."
Blogs about Hiking in the Bay Area
Ann L.
Kevin's Hiking Page
Kevin Gong
Kusum's Scrapbook
Random Curiosity: hiking Archives
Two-Heel Drive
Tom Mangan